This is my alternative to frozen stuffed toys (Kongs, etc). Note, I also fill and freeze plenty of toys, but some of my dogs take the brute force approach to cleaning out a toy—they dismember it. Apples are a healthy alternative and completely digestible.
What you will need:
Apples - get a whole bag of them from your grocery store
Apple Corer - This is an optional but highly recommended device. You can get one for around $10 on Amazon. It’s totally worth it!
Canned Plain Pumpkin - As an alternative, you can get an actual pumpkin (when in season) and go full Martha Stewart, but personally, I live in the real world. Canned pumpkin is so much easier!
Cottage Cheese or Plain Yogurt
Peanut Butter - make sure it is dog-safe (no xylitol!)
Plastic Wrap
Note: There are no real rules here. The only thing you really need to make these is the apples. If you want to add canned dog food, sardines, or anything else that catches your eye, go right ahead! As long as it is safe for your dog to consume, the sky is the limit.
Step 1: Core the apples. Make sure you get all of the seeds.
Step 2: Spread out a piece of plastic wrap on the counter. Add a nice sized glop of peanut butter to the bottom of the apple, and place it on the wrap.
Step 3: Fill the apple with your pumpkin, cottage cheese, or whatever else. You can choose to top it off with a bit more peanut butter at the top.
Step 4: Wrap the whole thing up with the plastic wrap, making sure to get the ends nice and smooth.
Step 5: Freeze.
Step 6: Give one to your very very good dog who has been patiently (sorta) waiting for this alllllll day!!!
Final Notes:
You may not want to give your dog one of these and allow them to carry it to any carpeted surface for consumption. Furniture should probably also be off-limits while consuming this treat. I give them to my dogs in their crates or outside (in the back yard or on the deck). They will get messy and peanut butter can be difficult to remove from shag carpet.
Also, these are FROZEN. And while they are ball shaped, they are essentially delicious but heavy apple-rocks. It is probably not the best idea to just toss one to your dog for him to catch. Just hand it to him. He will figure out what to do from there.
Panda approves of this recipe!